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Developing a Strategy for Governors State University

As a member of the Governors State University Community the GSU Strategic Planning Committee seeks your input in the development of Strategy 2025. The headings below are the titles for each of the eight goals found in our current Strategic Plan – Vision 2020. If you click on the title, you will find the entire goal and sub-goals. As you read them over, ask yourself: what is missing? What questions do you have as you review that goal and its sub-goals? How do we know we accomplished it? At the bottom of the page, for each goal is a Comment Box. Please enter your questions or thoughts you have regarding that goal. Please share any comments you believe the committee will find useful. You do not need to identify yourself but it would be useful if you indicate if you are a student, faculty, staff, administrator, trustee, or part of the larger community.

There is one last link. It is not for an existing goal, but for an additional goal that you would like to have included in Strategy 2025.

The Strategic Planning Committee appreciates your input. It will be used to shape our future strategic plan – Strategy 2025.